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Teach myself Pointe at home?
Posted by Wallflower
6/19/2006  7:45:00 PM
Hello. I was in Ballet ( tap and Jazz) from the age of 3 or 4 untill I was 12, then I quit, mainly because I didn't have any friends in class and I was picked on and bullied all those years by the girls I was with. Now I find it very foolish that I quit, because I miss dance SO MUCH. I don't care about what they do, or what they say, I want to dance again, but my Mom will not let me join again. She is letting me teach myself though, if I can find a way. I am almost 14 now, just in a few months. It hasn't even been two years since I quit, maybe a year or less, but I have forgoten so much.

How can I do this? Do you think a video could do the trick? Even a book.

I was also thinking of going on Pointe, but I don't know my shoe size, and I don't know how! I have spoken to my old Ballet teacher, and he has said that I am old enough.

Do you think it is possible to teach myself to go on Pointe. I have heard it is from a few people, but I know that gossip sometimes is a lie.

Please help. I miss dance so much!

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